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Picking up where we left off.. The January 2017 Medical Team Trip : Danishpet – NURSES MEET THE STUDENTS

Before the medical team, comprised of doctors and nurses meet up with the nursing students at Bethel’s Community College, the team is treated to an Indian Wedding. These events are quite something to witness. Lost of colorful sights and sounds including a marching band to usher the couple on their way.

When the medical and the nursing students met for the first time a bit of magic happened. The connection was immediate and electric.

The Medical Team was a big hit with the Indian nursing students and in turn, The Medical Team fell in love with the students.

For more about the Community College and the way The Rhema Project supports them follow this link : “Community College”

Our mission is to eliminate female gendercide against the girl-child in India by supporting and networking through organizations and indigenous groups. Our Theory of Change is to strive to add value to female lives in India through the short-term rescue of unborn, newborn and the Indian girl-child as well as long-term initiatives that include education, health and wellness, trade and micro-development to help Indian women become truly valued by their culture.